I found about from posters around my school. When I went everyone who was there was really friendly and it was cool​
- 15 Year Old
The first time I attended I was immediately greeted by the affable staff who made me feel very welcome – diminishing most of my first time nerves... The atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly, with plenty to do besides sit and chat. I believe the group offers an invaluable support network to young people who experience bullying and victimisation for being LGBT, though fortunately not something I’ve really had to deal with myself, I can see how people from less tolerant environments could benefit greatly from being able to talk openly about similar issues. Or just play games and eat biscuits if they’d prefer.
- Young Person
I'm really happy I found out about the group. It was my first time and I met some great people there!
- 15 year Old
I found out about Topaz from google! I think the website was queer youth or something like that? I was really eager to join a group and meet more people like me so I just googled gay youth groups in Oxford. I really enjoyed my first experience at Topaz! It was lovely meeting new people and the relaxed environment made me feel really comfortable!
-16 Year Old
I first heard about Topaz from a friend, I decided to go along for the first time on my own. I was slightly nervous and a little anxious as this was my first LGBT youth group I had attended.​
I was greeted by a really welcoming team of volunteers and was surprised as the age range was really diverse of people from all ages. It was great to meet new people that where LGBT.
​I really enjoyed sitting with others and listening to other peoples opinions about being LGBT also having the time to involve myself in discussions.
I would definitely recommend this group to others wanting to meet other LGBT people having the time to relax in a friendly, relaxed and welcoming environment. I really felt a lot more confident in myself afterwards as well as coming out with loads of useful information.
- Young Person, Attending in-person meet up